Providing products & services with deep local knowledge.
+248 4323544 | +248 2803163

Dubai Civil and Construction Pty. Ltd.

Dubai Civil Engineering and Construction Pty Ltd was established in year 2017 with technically well experienced and innovative team from Dubai
for those already worked with Khalifa – La Misere Project in Seychelles as a building contractor under the leadership of renowned
businessmen Mr. Karunanithy Vaithiyanathasamy who is empiring multiple business sectors in Seychelles since 1996.


Private, Commercial & Government Projects

Initially we started our own project and it was completed similarly we have completed so many big projects both private, commercial and government.

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Construction Company for Excellence

Dubai Civil Engineering Construction Company is a construction company for excellence. A class 1 contractor in Seychelles constructing roads, public buildings, laying pipes for water and sanitation and constructing a complete sewerage system for cities, in addition to constructions of large projects of offices, centers commercial, schools, hospitals, housing units and many others. A long list of government contracted works and well-executed private projects make it a preferred civil engineering company in Seychelles. Their exceptional work in the field of construction is a testament to the company’s merits as renowned builders. Spurred by praise for their skills in the native Seychelles, they will soon embark on international projects across the countries.

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To provide quality workmanship and customer service and maintain the highest level of professionalism, honesty and fairness in our relationships with our customers, employees and vendors. To grow by continually providing useful and significant products, services, and solutions to markets we already serve – and to expand into new areas that build on our competencies and customer interests.


To be the preferred contactor of choice. A company that our customers want to work with and our employees are proud to work for.

Our Projects List   Project Photos

  • Procurement
  • Process Control
  • Inspection & Testing
  • Inspection and Test Status
  • Control of non confirming products

Functional Areas

"Quality, Highest Priority
Our Policy"

Mr.V.Karunanithy - MD
Managing Director

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Dubai Civil Engineering & Construction has created a system for receiving, recording, analyzing, forecasting and taking corrective actions on all nonconformities/complaints pointed out by customers. Customer complaints are entertained through corrective and prevention action.

Classification of Training

Dubai Civil Engineering & Construction is committed to provide a complete range of training required by its employees to perform their assigned responsibilities. This includes orientation training; job/equipment related training, managerial, quality system training and refresher training.

Determining Training Needs

All employees are annually assessed by their heads to determine adequacy of their existing training / qualification, and to propose what additional training they require.

Services & Solutions

We are the best solution provider of the following services: